デジタル化の流れは、社会一般のものとなり、広く、そして深くなっており、未来に向けてチャレンジすることや、良質なエクスペリエンス獲得と成功が、さらに重要になりつつあります。 私どもは、「誰よりも鮮明に、お客さまの「次」を描き、共に社会を創る。」という当社モットーに忠実に事業を展開してまいりたいと思います。
河野 吉晴
New Year's greetings
We are very grateful to you all, our clients & partners for this year - we have continued to grow thanks to you. Over new year some of you are working during mid-winter & we praise your efforts. Again, thank you so much.
Thankfully COVID-19 infections are decreasing however, we are in a difficult situation of wars & inflation that impacts our politics & economies. Despite this challenging situation, the Japanese IT industry has continued to expand.
Furthermore, the troubles in the financial & settlement infrastructure systems in Japan greatly impacted our economy & lives. Dealing with IT systems we recognize our heavy responsibilities & necessity of basic actions.
Looking to the future DX trends are becoming more common & continue to expand. The challenge of creating a higher quality experience is necessary for our success. We aim to expand our business in keeping with our motto that "We draw our client's future more vividly than others & create a future society together".
2024 is The Year of the Dragon ('Kinoe Tatsu' in Japanese) & in this year I hope your efforts bear fruit. I wish you & your loved ones success, like dragons ascending high in the sky.
Yoshiharu Kouno
President and CEO
NTT DATA Business Systems Corporation